
EU constitution: why did it fail?

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Код 554469
Дата создания 2016
Страниц 17
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Literature review
Research question
Research Design


Under the influence of the integration trends, more countries in the world to voluntarily agree to limit its sovereignty, the transfer of sovereign rights to supranational jurisdiction (supra) international character entities. As a result, the decline of the classical concept of a sovereign state. This gives rise to a new form of intergovernmental cooperation, which limits the possibilities of social control on the part of individual states in favor of the control exercised jointly and with the appropriate distribution of powers. In the process of federalization of interstate relations, it has the richest experience of the EU.
When we talk about modern countries and unions, we must remember that every nation in all corners of the world wants to be protected from a legal point of view.
And exactly Constitutions can be a real effective resource to saving all human rights.
Naturally that such big Alliance like EU became ready to create one united institute to protect social and many other rights of his people.
Accepting of number of new members in EU became a starting point for creating of Constitution.
But with time all leaders and creators of this project are understood that this document never will be approved by other countries.
This analysis is dedicated to finding and determinating of main reasons that led to fail of Constitution.

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Работа посвящена анализу причин провала принятия конституции ЕС.

Список литературы

1. Бурханов, А. К. Европейский союз в современном мире / А. К. Бурханов. Алматы: Ин-т мировой экономики и политики при фонде первого президента Респ. Казахстан, 2005.
2. Comelli, M. Il nuovo Trattato UE un passo avanti per la politica estera commune / M. Comelli [Electronic resource] / / Istituto Affari Internazionali. Mode of access: [http://www.affarinternazionali.it/articolo.asp?ID=572]. Date of access: 25.12.2016.
3. Gordon, P. USA has big stake in Europe's Constitution / P. Gordon / / Financial Times. 2005. 17 May.
4. Alesina, A. What does the European Union do? / A. Alesina, I. Angeloni, L. Schuknecht: CEPR Discussion Paper. 2002. № 115. London, 2002.
5. McManamara, S. The EU Constitution: Will Europe force a Wa y Forward? / S. McManamara [Electronic resource] / / The Heritage Foundation. Mode of access: [http://www.heritage.org/Research/Europe/bg1991.cfm]. Date of access: 25.12.2016
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