
General promlems of the theory of the word. Motivation

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Работа написана на английском языке, прошла плагиат на 90% и была поставлена оценка отлично. Есть еще презентация. ...



1. Process of Motivation
2. Phonetical Motivation
3. Morphological Motivation


Within the science ofwords motivation and relations, the internal form of the word received the following name: themorphological-semanticword structure, which explains the connection of its sound and meaning. [3,5,6]
This definition includes the object nomination (the inner form of the word, the 1st component) , its two-dimensional structure (material and ideal structure , the 2ndcomponent) , connection with metalinguistic consciousness ( the 3rdcomponent) to identify its motivation (the 4thcomponent). Two-dimensional structure of the inner form of the word is specified, having terminological designation: motivation form and motivation value. (the5thand the 6thcomponents) [4] That allows to operate the corresponding concepts, determining their composition and properties.
Motivation shape a nd motivation significance, representing "the third, inner part" of lexical units are in connection with it, concerning the overlay form.

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Although there exists a certain arbitrary element in the resulting phonemic shape of the word, one can see that this type of motivation is determined by the phonological system of each language as shown by the difference of echo-words for the same concept in different languages. St. Ullmann stresses that phonetic motivation is not a perfect replica of any acoustic structure but only a rough approximation. [1]Words are phonetically motivated when there is a certain similarity between the sounds that make up the words and the sense they denote. Such words as hiss, bang, howl, etc. are phonetically motivated because the sounds that make them up reflect directly or approximately the natural sounds.Phonetically motivated are not only echoic, onomatopoeic words, but also sound symbolic (звукосимволические), that denote different kinds of movement, size, form, distance, etc.This accounts for the variability of echo-words within one language and between different languages. С f. cuckoo (Engl), Kuckuck (Germ), кукушка (Russ). Within the English vocabulary there are different words, all sound imitative, meaning 'quick, foolish, indistinct talk': babble, chatter, gabble, prattle. In this last group echoic creations combine phonological and morphological motivation, because they contain verbal suffixes -le and -er forming frequentative verbs. We see therefore that one word may combine different types of motivation.It is also suggested that sounds themselves can be emotionally expressive which accounts for the phonetical motivation in certain words. For example, the sound - cluster is imitative of sound or swift movement as can be seen in the words a ring (bell sound), to sing (to make musical sounds), to swing (to move quickly around to the opposite directions), to fling (to move suddenly or violently). Phonetical motivation is not universally recognized in the linguistic science.3. Morphological MotivationThe morphological motivation implies a direct connection between the lexical meaning of the component morphemes, the pattern of their arrangement and the meaning of the word. Thus, the main criterion in morphological motivation is the relationship between morphemes. One-morpheme words such as e.g. sing, tell, cat, table, etc. are non-motivated morphologically. Derived words as e.g. rethink, leader, eatable, etc. are motivated morphologically, we can see a direct connection between the structural pattern of the word and its meaning (re- prefix expressing repetition of an action + think, lead + suffix –er expressing the doer of an action, etc.). Motivation here stops on word level, the morphemes themselves are not motivated morphologically.Words are supposed to be non-motivated if the connection between the structure of the word and its meaning is completely arbitrary and conventional, e.g. repeat, matter, etc.There are also partially motivated words because of the absence of the lexical meaning, as for example, cranberry where berry has its meaning, but cran- does not. The morphological motivation may be quite regular. Thus, the prefix ex- means 'former' when added to human nouns: ex-filmstar, ex-president, ex-wife. Alongside with these cases there is a more general use of ex-: in borrowed words it is unstressed and motivation is faded (expect, export, etc.).Re- is one of the most common prefixes of the English language, it means 'again' and 'back" and is added to verbal stems or abstract deverbal noun stems, as in rebuild, reclaim, resell, resettlement. Morphological motivation is especially obvious in newly coined words. E.g., ageism, ovenable, prefabricated, kiss-proof, etc. For example, the derived word to rethink is motivated through its morphological structure which suggests the idea of ‘thinking again’. The direct connection between the order of the arrangement of morphemes in words and their meaning can be illustrated by the semantic analysis of different words composed of the phonetically identical morphemes with identical lexical meaning. The difference in the arrangement of the component morphemes in the words finger-ring (кольцо) and ring-finger (безымянный палец) accounts for the difference in the meaning of these words. These words contain two morphemes, the combined lexical meaning of which is the same, the difference in meaning lies in the different arrangement of morphemes. If we observe a direct connection between the structural pattern of the word and its meaning we say that this word is motivated, for example the words singer, rewrite, eatable are motivated. If this connection is completely accidental and conventional we speak of non-motivated or idiomatic words, for example matter, repeat. The degree of motivation may be different. Between the extremes of complete motivation and lack of motivation there exist various grades of partial motivation. The word endless, for example, is completely motivated as both the lexical meaning of the component morphemes and the meaning of the pattern is obvious. 4. Semantic MotivationThe semantic motivation implies a direct connection between the central and the marginal meanings of the word. For example, the compound word eyewash has two meanings: 1) a lotion for the eyes (примочка для глаз); 2) something said or done to deceive a person so that he thinks what he sees is good though it is not (cf.: Russian очковтирательство). The first meaning is based on the literal meanings of the components, i.e. the meanings of the morphemes eye- and –wash. Thus, the motivation of the word eyewash is metaphoric or figurative. In this case the motivation is semantic. Semantic motivation is based on the coexistence of direct and figurative meanings within the semantic structure of the word. Mouth, for instance, continues to denote a part of human face, and at the same time it can mean metaphorically any opening or outlet, as in the mouth of a river. A woman who has given birth to a child is called a mother, by extension any act that gives birth is associated with being a mother, for example, Necessity is the mother of invention. The same principle is observed in other meanings: a mother looks after a child, so we can say she became a mother to the orphan, or the child was mothered by a wolf.5. The Meaning of Compounds. Motivation. It follows that the meaning of a compound is made up of the combined lexical meaning of the bases and the structural meaning of the pattern. The semantic centre of the compound is the lexical meaning of the second component modified and restricted by the meaning of the first. The semantic centres of compounds and the semantic relations embedded in the structural patterns refer compound words to certain lexico-semantic groups and semantic sets within them as, for example, compound: 1) words denoting action described as to its agent, e.g. sunrise, earthquake, handshake, 2) denoting action described as to its time or place, e.g. day-flight, street-fight, 3) denoting individual objects designed for some goal, e.g. bird-cage, table-cloth, diving-suit, 4) denoting objects that are parts of the whole, e.g. shirt-collar, eye-ball, 5) denoting active doers, e.g. book-reader, shoe-maker, globe-trotter.The lexical meanings of both components are closely fused together to create a new semantic unit with a new meaning which is not merely additive but dominates the individual meanings of the bases and is characterized by some additional semantic component not found in any of the bases.For example, a hand-bag is essentially ‘a bag, designed to be carried in the hand’, but it is also ‘a woman’s bag to keep money, papers, face powder and the like’; a time-bomb is ‘a bomb designed to explode at some time’, but also ‘after being dropped or placed in position’. The bulk of compound words are monosemantic and motivated but motivation in compounds like in all derivatives varies in degree.

Список литературы

1. Ullmann St. The Principles of Semantics. NewYork, Oxford University Press Inc., P. 88.
2. Антрушина Г.Б. Лексикология английского языка: учеб.пособие для студентов / Г.Б. Антрушина, О.В. Афанасьева, Н.Н. Морозова. – М.: Дрофа, 2005. – 286 с.
3. Арнольд И. В. Лексикология современного английского языка: Учеб.для ин-тов и фак. иностр. яз. — 3-е изд., перераб. и доп. — М.: Высшая школа, 1986. — 295 с.
4. Блинова О. И. Внутренняя форма слова: мифы и реальность. // Вестник Томского государственного университета. Филология. - Томск, 2012. - № 4 (20). - С. 5-11.
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