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Контрольная работа*
Код 246263
Дата создания 07 февраля 2016
Страниц 8
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Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст, ответьте на вопросы.
Meet the Clarks ...


Вопросы к тексту
1. Where do the Clarks live?
2. What does Mr. Clark do?
3. Does his wife Mary work?
4. How many children do they have?
5. How does their daughter’s Kitty look like?
6. What is Bobby good at?
7. How do they spend their spare time?


We welcome you heartily to visit the Clark family. They come from London. They are most intelligent and pleasant people. Their house has a peculiar touch of warmth and security.
The Clarks live in a semi-detached house with a garden in London. They are four in the family: the father, Mr. Clark, the mother, Mrs. Clark, and their two children.
Mr. Clark is a tutor. He works at London University. He teaches English and American Literature. He is a quiet man, rather shy, but strict with his students, a good listener, not much a talker. He is in his early forties, a little above medium height, with regular features and fair hair slightly grey at the temples. He has hazel eyes.
Charles Clark is fond of music. He plays the piano very well. He is also fond of books. He knows French, German and rea ds and writes these languages very well. Charles is very industrious and attentive.
His wife Mary is two years younger than her husband, tall and slim, with a lovely face and large grey eyes. She has beautiful brown hair. She makes up very little.
Mary works in the service industry three days a week. She quite likes her job as it gets her out of the house. She meets people and is close to the children’s school. Charles is proud of his wife as she is kind and gentle and cooks perfectly.
Their daughter Kitty is a pretty little girl with dark blue eyes and chestnut hair. She takes after her mother. She is eight years old and goes to primary school in London. She is fond of books. Her favorite book is “Alice in Wonderland” Though she is sometimes naughty, her parents adore her.
Her brother Bobby is a dark-haired boy of fifteen. He is not like her sister. He is a tall strong boy, broad at the shoulders and thin in the waist. He is quiet and hardworking. Bobby does well at school. He is good at natural sciences and he is going to enter the University. He likes to play chess, tennis and football. He is the best footballer among his friends. Booby is also a good mixer and has a lot of friends.
The Clarks are a friendly family. Their most popular evening entertainment is watching TV or video. Sometimes they visit friends, go to the cinema or a restaurant. Their most popular hobby is gardening. They all are very energetic, jolly and with a good sense of humor

Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

Она встречается с людьми итак она ближе к школе ее детей. Чарлз гордится своей женой потому что она добра, нежна и прекрасно говорит.Их дочь Китти – красивая маленькая девочка с темно-голубыми глазами и каштановыми волосами. Она заботится о своей маме. Ей восемь лет она посещает начальную школу в Лондоне. Она любит книги. Ее любимая книга – «Алиса в стране чудес». Хотя она иногда капризничает, и родители обожают ее.Ее брат, Бобби – пятнадцати летний темноволосый мальчик. Он не похож на свою сестру он высокий, сильный парень. Широкоплечий и стройный в талии. Он тихий и трудолюбивый. Бобби хорошо учится в школе. Он силен в естественных науках и собирается поступать в университет. Он любит играть в шахматы, теннис и футбол. Среди своих друзей он лучший футболист. Бобби так же хороший микшер и у него много друзей.Кларки – дружная семья. Чаще всего они проводит вечер просматривая видео или смотрят телевизор. Иногда они ходят к друзьям, в кино или ресторан. Их самое любимое хобби - садоводство. Они все очень энергичные, веселые, с хорошим чувством юмора.Вопросы к текстуWhere do the Clarks live?What does Mr. Clark do?Does his wife Mary work?How many children do they have?How does their daughter’s Kitty look like?What is Bobby good at?How do they spend their spare time?Ответы на вопросы:1. The Clarks live in London.Mr. Clark is a tauter.Yes, she does. She works in the service industry.They have two children.Their daughter. Kitty is a pretty little girl with dark blue eyes and chestnut hair.Bobby is good at natural sciences.Their most popular evening entertainment is watching TV or video. Sometimes they visit fiends, go to the cinema or restaurant. Their most popular hobby is gardening.Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, напишите количественные местоимения much, many. Переведите предложения (Present Simple, to be).Образец: There (to be) много children in the garden.There are many children in the garden.В саду много детей.The family’s library (to be) large. There (to be) много interesting books in it.My sister’s husband (to be) a good lecturer. There (to be) always много useful information in his lectures.This (to be) my brothers letter. There (to be) много good news in it.My uncle’s wife (to be) slim. There (to be) много fruit and vegetables in her diet.My friend’s father (to be) fond of music. There (to be) много good music at their partiesThe family’s Library is Large. There are many interesting books in it. Семейная библиотека довольно большая. В ней есть много интересных книг.My sister’s husband is a good lecturer. There is always much useful information in his lectures. Муж моей сестры является хорошим ораторам. В его лекциях есть всегда много полезной информации.This is my brother’s letter. There is many good news in it. Это письмо моего брата. В нем есть много хороших новостей.My uncle’s wife is slim. There are many fruit and vegetables in her diet. Жена моего дяди стройная. В ее диете много фруктов и овощей.My friend’s father is ford of music. There is much good music at their parties. Отец моего друга любит музыку. На их вечеринках всегда звучит много музыки.Задание 3. Раскройте скобки, поставьте сказуемое в форме Present Simple.He (to know) much about economy.We (to live) not far from this place.You (to write) letters once a month.She (to manage) her house well.Children (to like) to play computer games.1.He knows much about economy.2.We live not far from this place.3.You write letters once a month.4.She manages her house well.5.Children like to play computer games.Задание 4. Напишите отрицательные предложения (Present Simple).Your friend often comes to your place.My relatives live in the country.Their sisters study at University.His nephew speaks Spanish well.My niece does at school well.1.Your friend doesn’t often come to your place.2. My relatives don’t live in the country.3.Their sisters don’t study at University.4. His nephew doesn’t speak Spanish well.5.My niece doesn’t do at school well.Задание 5. Раскройте скобки, поставьте сказуемое в Present Simple или в Present Continuous. Переведите предложения.It (to be) spring now, the sun (to shine) and the birds (to sing).I usually (write) letters once a week. I (to write) a letter to my granny now.My younger sister (to be) in the garden and she (to water) the flowers.The young man (to smoke) much. It (to be) bad for his health.Something (to be) wrong with the car. My friends (to repair) it now.1.It is spring now, the sun is shining and the birds are singing. Сейчас весело светит солнце и поют птицы.2. I usually write letters once a week. I am writing a letter to my granny now. Обычно я пишу письма раз в неделю. Сейчас я пишу письма моей бабушке.3. My younger sister is in the garden and she is watering. Моя младшая сестра в саду и она поливает цветы.4. The young man is smoking much. It is bad for his health. Молодой человек много курит. Для его здоровья это плохо.5. Something is wrong with the car. My friends are repairing. С машиной что-то не так. Мои друзья ремонтируют ее сейчас.Задание 6.

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Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, напишите количественные местоимения much, many. Переведите предложения (Present Simple, to be).

Образец: There (to be) много children in the garden.
There are many children in the garden.
В саду много детей.
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