
Семантические и словообразовательные особенности сложных слов в английском языке

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Relations between language and culture can be considered as the relation of a part and whole. Each language can be apprehended as a component of culture and as a culture tool. However language at the same time is independent in relation to the culture in whole, and it can be considered as an independent semiotics system having specific features of its own. As each native speaker at the same time is a representative of this or that culture or a number of cultures (bilinguals and polyglots) language symbols get an ability to carry out function of the culture linked with the language spoken and serve as a means of representation of the basic installations of culture. For this reason every language is capable of displaying cultural-national mentality of its speakers.
Cultural tr ...



Introduction 3
Chapter 1. Distinctive features of journalism and science 6
1.1. Language picture of the world 6
1.2. Word formation specificity 10
1.3. Concept of word formation motivation 11
Chapter 2. Specific features of compounding in the English language 15
Conclusion 24
Bibliography 26



Dialogues between people are carried out, first of all, in a language. In case of the intercultural dialogue which is at a loss use of different languages as a communication medium, it is necessary to translate this or that message from one language into another.
The same slice of a reality, the same concept has different forms of language expression in various languages, which are more or less full, to some extent specific.
The language consciousness in whole of each nation or ethnic group is important, as their self-identification is realised in it the consciousness by means of creating specific words and notions.
The practice of language communication shows that each language is not a mechanical appendage of concrete culture as in this condition it could not be used in nu merous situations of intercultural dialogue. The linguistic relativity would limit potential features of each language to the frameworks of one culture. Actually one of the major properties of the language is its universality allowing a person to use language as a means of dialogue in all potentially possible situations of communications, including communication with representatives of other cultures.
According to T.G. Grushevitskaya, relations between language and culture can be considered as those of a part and a whole entity. «Language can be apprehended as a component of culture and as a culture tool. However each language at the same time is independent in relation to the culture in whole, and it can be considered as an independent semiotics system. As each native speaker simultaneously is also a culture carrier of his or her own language signs, which get an ability to carry out the function of signs of one culture and serve as a means of representation of basic installations of culture. For this reason each language is able to display cultural and national mentality of its carriers» (Садохин, Грушевицкая 2004: 248).
«A culture component – it is not simple cultural information informed by a certain language, and an integral property of language inherent in all its levels and all branches» (Тер-Минасова 2000: 15).
The problem of mutual relation of language and culture traditionally have been in sphere of interests of linguists. However in the recent decades the concept «culture» gets an increasingly wider interpretation (Хухуни 2003).
The opinion on national character according to which it is «not a set of specific, original lines inherent only in the given people, but the original set of universal features is widespread enough» (Тер-Минасова 2000: 136).
The process of word formation in each particular language highly depends on the national character of mass consciousness resulting in producing these or those implicit motivation of any type of word formation process involved.
The object of the research is English compounds.
The urgency of the present research is determined by the general orientation of the modern paradigms of English compounds, which can be interpreted a very loose definition as combinations of two words to form a new word (Benczes 2006: 7), but need to be more precisely defined as “words made up of two or more elements, the first of which being either a word or a phrase, the second being a word” (Benczes 2006: 8).
So as to provide the theoretical basis required concerning discourse theories, functional style distinctive features, stylistic and semantic categories of expressivity, evaluation and emotionality, use of various tropes we refer to the latest linguistic theories developed by a number of researchers, among whom we focus mostly on G. Libben, G. Jarema, R. Benczes, B. Wälchly and a number Russian and foreign linguists, whose investigations are referred to in the bibliography further on.
The purpose of the study is analysis of English compounds concerning their word formation structure as well as implicit motivation. Therefore we intend to take into consideration the following problems:
describing language picture of the world,
characterizing the concept of word-formation in general,
outlining some word-formation structures, that tend to be classified quite differently,
analyzing specificity of English compounds structure as well as semantics.
In the first part of our study we take into account specific features of formation language picture of the world, existing concepts of word-formation, semantic motivation and derivation as well as various word-formation specific features.
In the second part of our research we characterize English compounds structure as well as their implicit distinctive features.

Список литературы


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