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Фрагмент работы для ознакомления

A design leader must also be visionary enough, imaginative enough, and have enough business competence to lay out entire business concepts (ibid). Or as IDEO CEO recently underlined: “If designers can get comfortable with the idea that they are ‘designing business’ on different levels, then they will do a better job of bringing value to businesses” (ibid).
This suggests that the area in which designers have operated as premium “complex problem solvers” is starting to become crowded. As GK van Patter of the NextDesign Leadership Institute notes: “It might be that designers will not be the ones leading design in the 21st century”. I believe that this conceptual direction meets the needs of innovative development of the economy. In a globalizing world economy, connected by advanced communication technology, low transportation costs and infinitely decreasing time-to-market, economists’ assumptions of “perfect competition” and minimal marginal revenues are developing from model to reality. Within this context, design is growing into one of the most important means of differentiation. Not only as a tool for designing great products, but as a tool for designing great ventures. Design theory and design methodology is now being applied to areas of management and motivation.
Aaker, D (2005): Strategic Market Management. 7th edition. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Abbing, E (2005): Brand Driven Innovation: fulfilling brand promise through new product development. Master thesis (Master of Design Management), Nyenrode University/InHolland, Netherlands, November 2005 (available via http://www.branddriveninnovation.com)
Boland, R and Collopy, F (eds.) (2004): Managing as Designing. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
Borja de Mozota, B (2003): Design Management: Using Design to Build Brand Value and Corporate Innovation. New York: Allworth.
Brown, K, Schmied, H and Tarondeau, J (2002): Success Factors in R&D: A meta-analysis of the empirical literature and derived implications for design management. Design Management Journal. Academic Review.
Dumas, A and Mintzberg, H (1991): Managing the Form, Function and Fit of Design. Design Management Journal. Summer 1991.
Eckersley, M (2003): Integrated Design Strategy Management: Challenges and Opportunities. Design Management Institute Ebulletin, March 2003. Proceedings of the DMI 2002 Annual Conference (Cape Cod).
Friedman, K (2004): Of Course Deisgn Pays: But Who Says So, And Why? Research Report for Design for Latvia, presented at the Design Research for Competitive Advantage Conference, November 16, 2004, Riga, Lativa.
Goleman, D.: What makes a leader? Harvard Business Review 1998, Vol.76, No.9
McBride, M.: Design Management: Future Forward. Design Management Review Summer 2007
Mullins, L.J.: Management and organisational behavior. (Pitman Publishing) 2004
Turner, R., Topalian, A.: Core responsibilities of design leaders in commercially demanding environments. 2002, Inaugural presentation at the Design Leadership Forum.
Zaleznik, A.: Managers and Leaders: Are They Different?. Harvard Business Review 2000, Vol. 82 No.1

Список литературы [ всего 13]

1.Aaker, D (2005): Strategic Market Management. 7th edition. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
2.Abbing, E (2005): Brand Driven Innovation: fulfilling brand promise through new product development. Master thesis (Master of Design Management), Nyenrode University/InHolland, Netherlands, November 2005 (available via http://www.branddriveninnovation.com)
3.Boland, R and Collopy, F (eds.) (2004): Managing as Designing. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
4.Borja de Mozota, B (2003): Design Management: Using Design to Build Brand Value and Corporate Innovation. New York: Allworth.
5.Brown, K, Schmied, H and Tarondeau, J (2002): Success Factors in R&D: A meta-analysis of the empirical literature and derived implications for design management. Design Management Journal. Academic Review.
6.Dumas, A and Mintzberg, H (1991): Managing the Form, Function and Fit of Design. Design Management Journal. Summer 1991.
7.Eckersley, M (2003): Integrated Design Strategy Management: Challenges and Opportunities. Design Management Institute Ebulletin, March 2003. Proceedings of the DMI 2002 Annual Conference (Cape Cod).
8.Friedman, K (2004): Of Course Deisgn Pays: But Who Says So, And Why? Research Report for Design for Latvia, presented at the Design Research for Competitive Advantage Conference, November 16, 2004, Riga, Lativa.
9.Goleman, D.: What makes a leader? Harvard Business Review 1998, Vol.76, No.9
10.McBride, M.: Design Management: Future Forward. Design Management Review Summer 2007
11.Mullins, L.J.: Management and organisational behavior. (Pitman Publishing) 2004
12.Turner, R., Topalian, A.: Core responsibilities of design leaders in commercially demanding environments. 2002, Inaugural presentation at the Design Leadership Forum.
13.Zaleznik, A.: Managers and Leaders: Are They Different?. Harvard Business Review 2000, Vol. 82 No.1
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